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DM-Twilight is a Deathmatch map for Unreal. It comes with the Fusion Map Pack.

Map description[]

Possibly the largest Deathmatch level of the game, it takes its visual theme from the interiors of maps such as Cellars at Dasa Pass, The Sunspire and Na Pali Haven. It also contains lots of death traps. For the sake of describing the map, we're going to give names to the areas, their color belonging to the zone color as displayed by UnrealEd, and starting at northwest of the map. Also, unlike other instances, we're splitting the description across the four cardinal points in order to ease the comprehension:

  • Northwest area:
    • Northwest Lift (light brown): A lift located in the northwest corner of the Northwest Courtyard. As its name implies it connects the area's levels.
    • Courtyard Corridors (cyan): The four lower level corridors surrounding the Northwest Courtyard. At Northwest, they connect the area with the Northwest Lift.
    • Northwest Courtyard (dark cherry): The outside area located northwest of the map, contains two corridors in the upper level and two T-shaped supports in the middle.
    • North Corridor (blue): A corridor in the lower level recognizable by a water pool in the middle of it. Said water pool is covered by a #-shaped set of wooden tables.
    • Upper Northwest Corridors (dark violet): A pair of corridors in the upper area that connect the upper level of the Northwest Courtyard with the Western Stairs. It's also connected to the Central Lava Pit via a small corridor with a window to the Western Stairs.
  • Western Stairs: A set of stairs that connect the Courtyard Corridors with the Southwest area's Upper Lateral Corridors.
  • Northeast area:
    • Northeast Corridors (pale green): A series of corridors surrounding the Crusher Room, including a deadend spawning corridor at the north corridor in the lower level. In the upper level it's connected to the Eastern Stairs.
    • Crusher Room (cherry): A big room with the eponymous crusher in the middle of it. Two buttons in the lower level of the Northeast Corridor trigger this crusher. The upper level has a chained floor that prevents players from falling to the lower level.
    • North Corridor (light violet and pale orange): An U-Shaped corridor spanning across the upper level to the Central Lava Pit.
  • Southwest area:
    • Lateral Corridors: (dark cyan) The corridors that surround the Southwest Trap Courtyard. It contains buttons at the lower and upper levels that trigger the Southwest Trap Courtyard's main trap.
    • Southwest Trap Courtyard: (also dark cyan) The big room southwest of the map that contains a big trap for those wanting to go to the powerful cache at the middle of the room. Said trap lowers the trap doors that surround the middle cache, leading to a lava pit.
    • Western Lower Passage (light marine blue): A corridor that connects the Courtyard Corridors with the lower level Lateral Corridor.
  • Southeast area:
  • Central Lava Pit (dark marine blue): A two-tiered lava pit with thin wood planks crossing it on both levels.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location


Pickup Count Location

Tips and tricks[]


  • This map comes with the Fusion Map Pack, alongside DM-Cybrosis, DM-Letting, DM-Loxi, DM-Mojo and DM-Shrapnel.
  • Twilight was originally considered for Unreal Tournament, appearing in an early footage video where UT was still being developed as an expansion pack for Unreal.
  • The map appeared in the 221 UT beta with plenty of unique differences, such as:
    • A central rotating hub
    • Secret passages inside the lava trap
    • A pool and trees outdoors
    • Additional U-shaped hallways and an underwater connection
  • This is the only Fusion Map Pack map which was left out of the Unreal OEM version 223m.
  • Levelshots for the map were added in the OldUnreal version 227j patch.

Readme notes[]

"Skycity run and gun with lots of traps by Jeremy War."
Fusion Map Pack Readme


External links and references[]

See also[]

Deathmatch maps for Unreal
Unreal Special Edition: 
GW Press Addon: 
Fusion Mappack: 
OldUnreal v227 maps: 
Cut maps: 