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The player travels inside the claustrophobic mining facility as they continue to explore the planet. The player encounters the Skaarj, the overlords of the planet who have enslaved the Nali population to mine the local Tarydium.

Weapons and items





You start the small corridor that you saw at the end of the last level; the door leading back is locked and the only way forward is by continuing into the mine. Turn right at the end to enter the first room of the facility. A Lesser Brute patrols to your left through a doorway, if it sees you kill it. Collect the Automag and two Clips on the balcony to the right beside a corpse. Use a light source such as a Flashlight to light up the shadows to the corner straight ahead. Turn right inside the small cave, then right once more at the end to reach a dead end with two alcoves; one on each side. The left holds a mangled leg, while the right holds an Assault Vest. Return to the main room and drop to the mining cart to the right off the balcony. A corpse can be found to your right, while to your left lies a Health Pack and Clip. Jump onto the ledge of the cart, then drop to the floor below. Push the small metal crate to the left towards the right in order to climb onto the three large crates. Two of the crates have a Clip on the top of them. Between the crates is a doorway, as you pass the doorway a tremor will cause the mine to shake for a second. Head towards the doorway the Lesser Brute was patrolling. A sign can be seen above the doorway[1]. Don't travel through the doorway yet, instead go through the corridor you passed by earlier.

You will enter a small cave filled with Tarydium crystals. Turn right as you enter the corridor and kill the Tentacle. Follow the tunnel to the left to reach another room. Kill the Lesser Brute to the left patrolling around a rock pillar in the center of the room and a force field to the far left. Collect three Clips straight ahead beside a crystal of Tarydium, then head left towards the pillar. Go around the pillar and head for the force field, with a computer to the left of it[2]. To your right is a ledge with an explosive barrel on the top. Shoot the barrel to blow up the wall beside it. Take a running jump to reach the platform, then enter the tunnel. Follow it around to the right to reach a dead end. To your right is a Health Pack and a book[3]. A pickaxe, a human corpse, and a dead Nali can be seen to your right beside a Tarydium crystal. Return to the starting room and take the corridor you previously ignored. Turn right and follow the corridor to a hole. You can harmlessly drop to the bottom or use a button on the right to call the elevator. Turn around once you are on the elevator, and as it starts to descend step onto a small ledge to collect a Clip. Drop to the floor below to continue.

Enter the next room from the bottom of the elevator. You are on a walkway overlooking a river of lava. Collect the Clip at the corner, then turn left to continue following the path. Kill the Tentacle at the end of the corridor, then enter the next corridor by turning right. Collect the Clip while turning right, then follow the corridor to the end. Turn left and follow the corridor past a couple corpses. Follow the corridor to the left, then kill a Tentacle at the end of the corridor just past some raised tiles. Destroy the two crates to the right to reveal a Health Pack and a Shield Belt. Turn left and follow the short corridor to the end. Turn left one final time to reach the force field control area. Two beams can be seen to the left giving power to the force field. Behind the structures are more Clip(s).[4] Straight ahead from the entrance of the room are two consoles[5][6]. Press the two buttons on the right to turn off the power sources and deactivate the force field seen earlier. The music will stop as the beams shut down. If you wish read the new console messages[7][8]before exiting the room and retracing your steps to the force field above.

As you reach the corridor filled with corpses you will hear the moving of barriers. You have been locked in this corridor due to large bars located on either side of the corridor. Suddenly the lights will start turning off from the entrance to this room to the force field control area. You will hear odd grunts, extremely audible without any music. After a minute or so of complete darkness alcoves located behind the walls in the corridor will open. Alarms will be blaring continously while red light covers small areas of the corridor. To accompany the changes the music has started once more, however now it is a fast action track. Out of the alcove located nearby the entrance of this corridor (opposite the force field control area) a Skaarj Scout will bound beside a Health Pack and Clip. Two Flares can be found in the opposite alcove. Kill the Skaarj Scout in order to open the barriers trapping you in the corridor.

Return to the lava passageway and follow the corridor to the elevator. Kill the Lesser Brute guarding the elevator, then ascend to the upper floor. Kill the Lesser Brute patrolling the hallway, then return to the force field room. Read the changed console message[9] if you wish before travelling through the previously blocked corridor. Pass the air vent and collect the Tarydium Shards in the corner before turning left. Turn left at the end of the corridor, then cross the corridor to the elevator just past the explosive barrel. Press the button to the left to lower the elevator, then turn around to access the lower floor. Wait for the elevator to ascend, then collect the Clip(s) before turning around once more.[10] Turn right at the end of the corridor and kill the Tentacle in the middle of the next hallway. Turn right at then end, then follow the corridor to reach another room.

The next corridor arrives eventually at a walkway over lava; watch out for the Tentacles and the LesserBrute patrolling the area. If you go left at the walkway, a Tarydium barrel can be used to blow up two wooden crates, one of which contains a box of 50 Bullets. Beware as you approach the walkway however as part of it will collapse into the lava. Now head the other way along the walkway, where a short corridor on the right contains two Health Packs. Continuing along the walkway another section collapses so watch out.

Tip: If you fall into the lava, follow it round underneath the walkway. A lift will descend and you can use it to get back on to dry ground by the two Health Packs mentioned above.

At the next junction you are faced with a choice; the left path, the middle path or the right path. You can hear a Skaarj growling on the left, so don't go there yet. A Nali can be heard praying to the right, and you don't want to draw him to the attention of the Skaarj as the Skaarj will probably murder him. So instead, take the middle path and follow the corridor. Collect Clips and Tarydium Shards as you go. Now the Skaarj Scout you heard growling may come and meet you in the corridor. Most likely however he will be operating a console and you will find that you come out behind him. Either way, dispose of him quickly without leading him onto the Nali. The console he was operating reads: "WARNING: Intruder detected in Sections C-6 and D-8. All personnel are responsible for patrolling their local area."

Head now to the left, along the walkway over the lava again, back in the direction of the junction. Collect the Voice Box inventory item as you go from behind a pillar. Now go off to the left, where the Nali can be heard praying. When you see the Nali, don't shoot him. Never shoot the Nali, because the more you shoot them, or let them get killed, the less helpful all the Nali will be to you as a whole. This particular Nali beckons for you to follow him; do so, but grab Tarydium Shards and Health Packs from the crates first. The Nali will lead you down the middle corridor and will open a secret compartment in the wall, where there will be further Tarydium Shards and a very useful Stingerweapon. Follow this corridor now to its end, so that you arrive back at the Skaarj's console, and this time make a right. A gap with lava below and a low beam blocks your way; shoot the red plate on the wall over the lava and the beam will rise, making a handy bridge. Cross the gap, and take out the Tentacle hiding round the corner. Collect the Clip, and select the Stinger. Enter the cave on the right, and you will be greeted by a Skaarj Scout who drops in from above. He is best taken out with the Stinger's secondary fire mode. Mercifully now the action music from the first fight has stopped and is no longer doing your head in. Having disposed of the Skaarj, shoot the tarydium barrels at the far end to open a hole in the wall. Follow the new tunnel - collecting a Health Pack as you go - into the next room where a Lesser Brute will greet you. Now, step up to the lever on the left and press it. Buttons will be revealed on the central column. Press all four to open the doors around the room. Doing so will release an angry Skaarj Scout whom you should dispose of. The two corridors revealed each lead to the same lift, and each contain two Tentacles and a Clip. Not much to choose really, take either or both. Ride the lift up to the corridor above, being sure to collect the Shield Belt from the alcove at the far end of said corridor. Enter the next area - balconies over the room below - and grab the Stinger and Tarydium Shards. Dispose of the Skaarj Scout lurking beyond the central column. You might also take this opportunity to kill the Tentacle that snipes from a walkway above. Collect Health Packs from crates in the alcove on the left, then follow the corridor off to the right. More music will start as you enter the next room. Kill the Tentacle(s) here, then shoot the Tarydium Barrels to clear your passage to the next area.[11] Beyond is another room where you will be met by a Skaarj Scout.[12] Round the corner is another Tentacle and beyond that a mechanism to access the upper balcony.[13] Don't go there yet though; instead, use your Flashlight (if your batteries are low then use a Flare) to illuminate the shadow behind the crates to the left, and follow the revealed tunnel to get a very useful +100 Super Health Pack. Now return and head for the large red control switch in the next room. The nearby console gives you guidelines: "NOTE: Area must be clear for transport lift to perform properly."

Do as it says and remove the crate from the lift pad. Before using the lift however grab the Flare from the corner under the balcony. Now, press the switch to summon the lift. Like the sign said, don't stand underneath or the effect will not be as planned. Climb aboard the lift when it has descended - the crate aboard contains a Clip - and ride up to the balcony. Collect the Automag at the top. Further along the balcony you will find a Lesser Brute and a Tentacle to dispose of. Collect Tarydium Shards from the crates in the alcove, then continue down the next walkway, taking out a further Lesser Brute as you go. Follow the corridor and take out the Tentacle(s).[14] Proceed until you reach a Nali who will beckon to you, but don't follow him yet. Tread carefully here; head out into the next room which contains mining carts, until you see the Skaarj Scout at the consoles. Try and kill it without it seeing the Nali. Hopefully the Nali will have remained at the entrance, but if it has come in it is as good as dead and there's nothing you can do to save it. If however you are successful, then the Nali will operate the consoles to open an alcove with a very useful Assault Vest. As you kill the Skaarj, he will drop a Health Pack should you need it. Pause now to collect Tarydium Shards from an alcove in the other corner of the room, and to read the two consoles:

"ALERT: Nali slave resistance detected in Sector 3A. Lethal force authorised to suppress rebellious activity."

"WARNING: Access bridges in lower half of mine are unsafe. Proceed with caution."

Head down the next walkway now. A Tentacle along the way lurks above crates containing Tarydium Shards; having disposed of that, move on and drop down at the end to the next corridor below. To the right here are Health Packs and a drop back to earlier in the level, beware of the Tentacle and the Skaarj Scout that drops in behind you if you go that way.[15] Head now the other direction and you will reach a bridge. First things first, take out the LesserBrute who shoots from the platform on the left. Now, look at the bridge; these bridges are unsafe as stated by the consoles, and tend to collapse. You have a choice. You can sprint along via the Tarydium Shards behind the pillar and hope that you don't get chucked into the lava below, or you can climb the bridge frame which is safe, collecting the Clip at the top. This second choice has the added advantage that you can easily make the jump to the area on the left where there is a Shield Belt. If you do get chucked in, it's only shallow so follow the tunnel beneath where you came in (watch out as the ceiling collapses) to the lift at the other end where there are also two boxes of 50 Bullets and a Health Pack. Now return to the main walkway after the first bridge. Round the corner are a LesserBrute and a Nali, so once again try to prevent the Nali from getting killed. The Nali, as long as he has survived and you haven't shot him or any other Nali so far, will open a cave containing a Dispersion Pistol Powerup, which significantly increases the power of your first weapon's primary fire mode permanently. Cross the second bridge - I recommend using the frame as you can then catch the Clip on the door frame ahead - and head down the next tunnel, dealing with the Tentacle on the ceiling.[16] Entering the next room beware of the SkaarjScout who jumps down from above.

Continue through the next room where there is a Health Pack, and into an area with a balcony, a lift and pillars. A SkaarjScout on the balcony will come down the lift and attack at this point, so dispose of him, then collect Tarydium Shards and a Health Pack from crates behind the pillars. Use the lift to access the balcony where there is a Stinger in a crate, and a ledge where a SkaarjScout is guarding the next walkway below. Kill the Skaarj and collect the two ASMD Cores (ASMD ammo) from his ledge. Drop down onto the left-hand of the two beams and follow it, where you will eventually find two Clips and be able to drop down on to some crates to get a Shield Belt. If you require any more Clips, then return back up the ramp behind to the room with the lift, and this time take the right hand beam. You will eventually reach two Clips at the other end. Almost there now. Drop down onto the crossroads, where the closed door is locked. Take instead the route which is off to the right when you first enter this area, towards the lift. Collect what you require of the Health Pack and Tarydium Shards here; you might also be well advised to dispose of the tarydium barrels here, as you are about to be involved in a firefight. Press the switch, and the lift will descend, bringing a LesserBrute down with it. Take him out, then ride the lift yourself. You will rise to a catwalk with railings going through a room with large ventilation fans on either side. Sprint along making sure that you don't get sucked off by the fast fan where there is a break in the railing, and shoot down the glass door at the end. Enter the control room, collecting Tarydium Shards if necessary, and press the three cross-shaped switches. Return along the catwalk. At the second set of fans on the way back, hop off the railing into the fan pipe on the left where the fan is moving very slowly and doesn't hurt you. Collect the Assault Vest from behind. Stepping out of the tube, follow the air conditioning duct and return to the crossroads. The door to the right is now open, so step through and - hooray - you've completed the level!

Quick Level Completion

Difficulty Differences



  • No crate containing a Shield Belt in the hallway where the Skaarj encounter occurs.
  • A Tentacle is in front of the first lift leading down.
  • Only one Health Packis near the collapsing platform.
  • Only one crate containing a Health Pack where the first Nali is found.
  • Only one Clip in the corridor where the Nali leads you to a Stinger.
  • A Tentacle is above the drop down to the hallway leading to the bridge (30% chance).
  • Only two crates by the metal columns and lift under the ledge.
  • A Tentacle is at the control room at the end of the fan room (70% chance).
  • Only two Tarydium Shards in the fan area control room.


Multiplayer Differences




Real-Life References



1995 Beta

1998 Beta


  1. !U1-Item-Translator
    Universal Translator
    "Force Field Control Area"
  2. !U1-Item-Translator
    Universal Translator
    "Force field intact. All systems normal."
  3. !U1-Item-Translator
    Universal Translator
    "Harobed Village is on the other side of the mountains. I will wait until the two suns have set and proceed through Rrajigar mine. It is the only way."
  4. There are two clips to be found behind the structures, both of which have a 70% chance to spawn.
  5. !U1-Item-Translator
    Universal Translator
    "Force Field power source one status is active."
  6. !U1-Item-Translator
    Universal Translator
    "Force Field power source two status is active."
  7. !U1-Item-Translator
    Universal Translator
    "WARNING: Force Field power source one status is inactive. Security Condition Two reached."
  8. !U1-Item-Translator
    Universal Translator
    "WARNING: Force Field power source two status is inactive. Security Condition Two reached."
  9. !U1-Item-Translator
    Universal Translator
    "WARNING! Force Field de-activated. Intruder detected in Section C-6. Eliminate any unauthorised presence."
  10. The two clips each have an 80% chance to spawn.
  11. There are two Tentacles that may appear in this room, both of which have a 75% chance to spawn.
  12. A Tentacle has a 30% chance of spawning with the Skaarj Scout.
  13. This tentacle has an 80% chance of spawning.
  14. There are two Tentacles that may appear, both of which have a 50% chance of spawning.
  15. The Tentacle has a 70% chance of spawning.
  16. The Tentacle has a 70% chance of spawning.

Single player maps for Unreal